
Classic Lambretta Specialists
Servicing, Repairs, Spares & Restorations for Classic Lambretta Scooters

‘New’ Lambretta Dealers
Find a dealer for the new Lambretta Vendetta

Lambretta Owners Clubs
Wherever you are in the world – find your local Lambretta Club

Scooter Clubs
A list of clubs for riders of (mainly retro style) scooters

Lambretta Brand

Forums, Magazines, Blogs, Websites, Online Resources.

Reading List

Scooter Sport

A scooterists miscellany…


I’m aiming to have the most comprehensive list of Lambretta related links on the web. If you spot any errors, typos, missing or incorrect links, drop me a line and I’ll put them right. If you want your club, or (Lambretta related) website, business or blog listed, drop me a line:

Thoughts? Your comments are always welcome…