Sunday Art


As it’s the weekend, I’m bringing you a little bit of art for your delectation. This fantastic gouache painting, entitled ‘scooter ride’ is by Els Vliegar, an Illustrator and surface designer from the Netherlands. You can check out more of her work on her site, here.

Expect to see more Lambretta art on the blog soon!

The image is copyright, and used by kind permission of Els.

Beautiful Lambretta Art

The standard of the average event flyer has certainly improved over the years. Just as with scooters, there is a huge variety of styles, with some fantastic illustrations. I’ve featured the work of Glenn Reid and Adam Xyl before, here.

12829071_1122361324450118_2663991140094056012_oHere’s another piece of beautiful Lambretta art, in a graphic novel meets art deco illustration style. It’s by Carlos Fraile, and you can see more of his work on his Instagram, here:

The event itself is run by the Maldito Domingo SC. Based in the Spanish city of Cartagena, a historic port on the Mediterranean coast, it’s the largest scooter event in south-east Spain. Scooters, sand, sea, sun… and if I know the Spanish, great food, wine and beer too.  Find out more here.

Hugo’s LD 150 and Model D watercolours

ld125hugo-10-14002_lambretta_rps23I’ve been following Hugo’s blog for a while now, he has set himself the task of producing a fresh new drawing every day and posting it on his blog… something he’s been doing for over three years now. His watercolour sketches have a wonderful combination of “looseness” and accuracy. In a recent visit to MuVIM ( Valencian Museum of Enlightenment & Modernity – now theres a title!), he sketched the Lambretta Model D, and LD on display, along with two Spanish bikes. I don’t know about you, but I think he has really caught the essence of the machines!  To cap it all I even got a mention in his blog, which made my day! Check out the original post here, and his blog here.

Lambretta Jubilee Art

Lambretta Jubilee BostonOne of the big events, for the sate side Lambrettisti, is the annual Lambretta Jubilee, a national, Lambretta only event organised by the Lambretta Club USA. Next year, it’s in Boston, Massachusetts.

Lambretta Jubilee Colorado

Now being the other side of the pond, I don’t know an awful lot more than that. But what I do know, is whoever designs their posters for them is doing an excellent job. I’ve found last years one from Colorado, and  these are real quality illustrations. So if you’ve got any more examples of these masterpieces of graphic art, give me a nod… It would be great to feature them on here. Maybe more importantly, if you know the talent behind the illustrations, please let me know, I’d love to give him / her the credit they are due!

EDIT / Update: Corey from The Bitter End Scooter Club, Ontario, Canada has given me a heads up on the artist. It’s by Glenn Reid, who has a website here. There are a fair few scoots features in his work, which will probably be as familiar to you, as they were to me when I saw them. Really lovely stuff, with an art deco travel poster vibe about them. Nice work Glenn, and cheers for the info Corey.

FURTHER EDIT / UPDATE: The Colorado Spring illustrations are by Adam Biddle, aka Adam Xyl, a Lambretta owner and rider, and a member of the Peak Scooter Club. Nice work Adam.

More Lambretta art


Here’s a wonderful Lambretta illustration I stumbled across on Flickr, by smallish fish. There’s a load of rubbish scooter art out there, but this would look great on a canvas on any Lambrettista’s wall. Yvie is the talented designer behind the drawing, get in touch, and bung her a few quid, I’m sure she’ll be happy. And if you like her style, you can by her little book of nonsense poems, drawing and photographs, for the heady sum of £2.50 from here.