The Great Skinhead Reunion 2019

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New Zealand Motoretta TT 2015

Thornton sent me this vid of the 2015 Mottoretta Tourist Trophy – aka the Motitty. As regular readers will remember it’s a 4 day, 1,000 mile event on New Zealand’s North Island… and you can only enter on traditional, geared scooters. Full details can be found on the website here.

Sorry, it’s not a viable on mobile devices, or in Germany, due to copyright issues.

Motorroller Scooter Custom Show Ried 2014

Ok it’s in German, put let the pictures do the talking. And I don’t know about you, but German is one of those languages that I can pic up the gist of if you pay attention. Unfortunately the focus seems to be on the Vepsa on show,including some rather odd Vespa mopeds, and a nutter doing some quite impressive stunt riding. There is a glimpse of a rather lovely S1 with a trailer,  a really stunning skinhead / suedehead style  skelly… really, really nicely done that… and a rather tasty race replica GP with a nice Martini paint job.

What surprises me more is the scale and feel of the event… it’s got the feel of something like the Ideal Home Exhibition… and a really mainstream audience.

Lambretta Jubilee Art

Lambretta Jubilee BostonOne of the big events, for the sate side Lambrettisti, is the annual Lambretta Jubilee, a national, Lambretta only event organised by the Lambretta Club USA. Next year, it’s in Boston, Massachusetts.

Lambretta Jubilee Colorado

Now being the other side of the pond, I don’t know an awful lot more than that. But what I do know, is whoever designs their posters for them is doing an excellent job. I’ve found last years one from Colorado, and  these are real quality illustrations. So if you’ve got any more examples of these masterpieces of graphic art, give me a nod… It would be great to feature them on here. Maybe more importantly, if you know the talent behind the illustrations, please let me know, I’d love to give him / her the credit they are due!

EDIT / Update: Corey from The Bitter End Scooter Club, Ontario, Canada has given me a heads up on the artist. It’s by Glenn Reid, who has a website here. There are a fair few scoots features in his work, which will probably be as familiar to you, as they were to me when I saw them. Really lovely stuff, with an art deco travel poster vibe about them. Nice work Glenn, and cheers for the info Corey.

FURTHER EDIT / UPDATE: The Colorado Spring illustrations are by Adam Biddle, aka Adam Xyl, a Lambretta owner and rider, and a member of the Peak Scooter Club. Nice work Adam.

Manizales Scooter Classic, 2013.

No apologies for my second post of the day from Colombia. Here we have the Manizales Scooter Classic… Now, I knew where Bogota was, but my Colombian geography is not that good, so I had to look up Manizales… and I found out it’s all about coffee. In fact, they claim to be the world capital of coffee. Who said this website wasn’t educational? Anyway… they have a classic scooter rally there too… as you’ll see from the above video. Some nice lammies too. Judge Dread doing the honours on the backing track.

Euro Lambretta 2013 – Avignon

EuroLambretta 2013 AvignonI should have posted more about this ages ago… but as I’m not going, (I’ve never done a “Euro”. One day, one day.), I’m  just too envious of all you Lambrettisti who are making their final preparations, or are even on their way.

If anyone wants me to post any pictures, tales of the journey or the event itself, I’ll be more than happy to.

Euro Lambretta Avignon CampsiteLooks like the weather is going to be good too. This picture was taken from the official campsite, yesterday.

Keep an eye on the Facebook page; here.

Good luck guys (and girls), have fun, ride safe.